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Madlena + Lola | 33 Answers

In this featured interview, meet Madlena Kalinova ! Madlena and her dog, Lola, live in NYC. Madlena is a phenomenal model, producer, stylist, and animal lover!

Get to know the pair individually, then all together!

enjoy xoxo!!



Meet the human-

1. what is your name?


2. what is your calling in life?

Model, producer, stylist, humanitarian, lover of all animals!!!

3. what is your favorite color?

So many

4. What is your favorite type of food or meal?

Bulgarian Baniza

5. what is a smell that makes you happy?

The smell of summer

6. where and how did you grow up?

I grew up in Bulgaria small town called Rousse partly during communism and started traveling in my early teens.

7. what inspired you to do what you are doing now?

My career as a model just happened to me, but everything else followed naturally and that’s why I feel so fortunate and grateful. I am managing to have some of my dreams turn into a reality!!!

8. if you could tell your younger self something you wish you knew now, what would it be?

Try more things in life, don’t fear anything and live in the moment. Relax nothing is under control lol

9. if you had super powers what would they be?

Time and space travel

10. if you had one word to describe your self, what would it be?


11. what are the unwritten rules of where you work?

Be professional every step of the way, and don’t eat the cake... lol but I do


Meet the pet-

1. what is your name?


2. what breed are you?

English Bulldog Beagle Mix

3. how old are you? human or animal years is fine.

9 yrs

4. if you had super powers, what would it be?

I would have plenty treats, balls and squirrels at all times

5. who is your role model in life?

My mom

6. tell us your adoption/rescue story…

I was rescued from a pet Store in Chelsea... I had pneumonia and almost lost my life.

7. favorite color?


8.what is the ultimate cheat meal for you?


9.what nicknames do you go by?


10. what is something you want people to know about you?

I am a social butterfly 🦋 in every sense

11. what is the best and worst thing about being a dog (or cat)?

I get treats! but worst part- not as much as I want.


Now meet the pair-

1. take us through your morning routines together…

We have breakfast together and then a long walk...

2. do you ever dress a like?

No we have never done that, but good idea.

3. what is your favorite things to do together?

Go to the parks

4 favorite game to play together?


5. what is something Lola does that gets on your nerves?

She is a little crazy and stubborn lady

6. what is the best thing about having each other?

We are each others best friends

7. what is your favorite memory together?

Going to a mini farm upstate with many animals together.

8. what is the funniest thing Lola has ever done?

She has a tendency to bump into walls

9. how long have you been together?

9 yrs

10. what is the hardest thing about caring for Lola?

Vet bills and the fact she can’t come everywhere with me

11. does Lola inspire you? if so, how and why?

She inspires me to be always positive and happy!


A big thank you to Madlena + Lola for participating in AAPETPEOPLE's first features for 33 Answers!

Follow them on ig! @madlenakalinova

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