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Arianne + Kya | 33 Answers


hi hi! This week, I bring to you the fabulousssss Arianne Elmy, AND Kya 😻😻😻!!!😻😻😻

Arianne has dressed the best celebs from Mariah Carey, Katy Perry, Lorde, Lil Kim & more, in her out out of this world pieces! I can't wait for you to dive into this incredible interview.

Arianne (and Kya too ofc) is truly a wonder woman, and the definition of what hard work can do.

Enjoy, tag and share on IG!✨

-Anneliese + Felicity xoxo



1. what is your name?

Arianne Elmy

2. what is your favorite color?


3. What is your favorite type of food or meal?


4. if you could tell your younger self something you wish you knew now, what would it be?

Don’t take anyone’s shit.

5. if you had one word to describe yourself, what would it be?


6. What’s one ingredient you put in everything?

I love to put a bit of attitude in everything.

7. What do you love most about your body?

I can eat whatever I want and stay skinny

8. Best thing to happen to you this week?

I hired a bookkeeper which will help me stay on top of my money!

9. Where do you seek inspiration when it comes to designing?

Whatever is going on in my life and society, always feeds into my inspirations.

10. What is your most special and sentimental piece of clothing you’ve ever created?

The party blouse because so many celebs have worn it, and keep wearing it, and that’s the piece that really gave me the hope and the courage to keep going.

11. What are you most excited about at this time in your life?

Being able to deal with certain situations that I probably couldn’t have when I was younger, and growing in general as a person.



1. what is your name?


2. what breed are you?


3. how old are you? human or animal years is fine.


4. What is your zodiac sign?


5. who is your role model in life?


6. what is the ultimate cheat meal for you?

I don’t have one, because I eat what I want.

7. How did you get your name? is there any significance behind it?

Arianne just always liked it, and holds the meaning “diamond in the sky”

8. what nicknames do you go by?


9. How would you define yourself in three words?

Crazy. Loyal. Smart.

10. If you could magically be able to perform any trick, what would it be?

To climb up the wall.

11. If you had superpowers what would they be?

To open doors so I can go outside



1. take us through your morning routines together…

kya usually wakes me up with her wining, if it’s really early, then I close the door and go back to bed. Then we wake up, I feed her, and give her some treats that she’s gotta get out of this box. Then I drink my coffee, and get our day going!

2. do you ever dress a like?

Yeah, I mean I’m naked a lot and she’s always naked, so I guess so!

3. what is your favorite thing to do together?

I like when we cuddle and watch TV

4. what is something Kya does that gets on your nerves?

Omg the whining!!! Professional whiner.

5. what is the funniest thing Kya has ever done?

Before I got rid of my box spring, she made a hole, and made that her little sleepy place every night.

6. how long have you been together?

1.5 years

7. does your pet inspire you? if so, how and why?

She inspires me to work hard, so that we can have a better life… and so that she can have her own room someday

8. what is the most meaningful experience you have shared with your pet either directly or indirectly?

Just when she comes and cuddles up with me! That’s always sweet.

9. Does Kya attack the vacuum?

Oh, she hates it.

10. If someone is on the fence about bringing a cat into their life, what would you two tell them?

I’d say its low maintenance to take care of a cat, but high maintenance to play with a cat.

11. It’s your perfect day off, and you two are watching a movie/tv- what are you watching?

A documentary or junk reality tv. I love the real housewives!


I hope you loved this week's interview! Be sure to share this interview with all your cool pet people friends ;)

follow Arianne and Kya on insta @arianneelmy

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